CHEM 1A03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Personal Identity, Simultaneous Communication

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CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
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A simpler definition: communication is the process of human beings responding to the symbolic behaviour of other persons. It"s about making sense: symbols: toonies, beaver, etc. o if he showed this in a different part of the world, they will be confused. Types of communication: intrapersonal dyadic/interpersonal small group public communication. Mass communication lomoar cpsd| 2151316: when the doctor communicated to his grandma that she has to stop living like It saved her life, as he was a good communicator. It identifies us it tells others: you are top dollar if driving a lamborghini. Its practical: signs are practical, when they tell you where to go, gps. Models of communication: linear o sender encodes, sending it to the right receiver o receiver decodes, takes the message and interprets the message. o channels, pretty controlled channel in 1900, only newspapers and face to face, transactional, simultaneous.