CHEM 1R03 Lecture 20: Unit 3 - Circular Motion and Gravity - day 36-48

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Prep lab 3. 1. 1 pg 152 full write up. Please tell me about the graph y y = mx + b y varies directly with x relationship = slope y has an initial value x y. If only we could turn curves into straight lines we could get more information out of them calculus take the derivative works if you know the equation and calculus. not as much info x x. I recognize that as a 1/x graph so if i change my x to 1/x equation of line - ???? x y = m(1/x) + b. Consider a particle moving in a circular orbit with constant speed. Since the direction continuously changes, the particle is accelerating: A to b through an angle along an arc of length s. This triangle is similar to abc. v2 = v1 + v or v1. Therefore, but, ab s as t 0 or,