ECON 1BB3 Lecture Notes - Foreign Portfolio Investment, Capital Outflow, Exchange Rate
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Net exports measure international flow of goods and services. How net foreign investment measure international flow of capital. Why net exports must always = net foreign investment. How savings, domestic investment and net foreign investment are related. Meaning of nominal exchange rate and real exchange rate. Purchasing power parity: theory of how exchange rates are determined. Canada is a small open economy and the implication of perfect capital mobility. Benefits of international trade: produce what they do best and consume great variety of goods and services produced aborund the world. International trade raise living standards in all countries by specialization when it has comparative advantage. Closed economy: economy that does not interact with other economies in the world. Open economy: economy that interact freely with other economies around the world. Buys and sells goods and services in world product markets. Buys and sells capital assets (stocks and bonds) in world financial markets.