GEOG 2RC3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Capital Accumulation, Ecumene, Acculturation

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Summary - book "regional geography of canada" - chapters. Canadas population is currently 35 million people and expected to be about 40 million by 2020. The aborginal population is also growing but the job set and where most aboriginal people are, don"t line up. There is an issue with the labour force with skills and geography. Immigration is playing a big role in canadas new look. The third most spoken language in canada is chinese. There are a few key social issues at play here. Three major reasons for the population increase: natural increase (more births than deaths, expansion of land (acquiring newfoundland got 300,000 people, immigration. Population density is calculated by takin the people and dividing it by the square km in the country. Canada has an extremely low pop density at 3. 7. Population distribution is the dispersal of people within a geographic area. We are population ecumene along the us border which means most populate.