SOCPSY 2K03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Empiricism, Lightning, Statistical Hypothesis Testing
Document Summary
The systematic study of the structure and behavior of physical and natural phenomena through observation and experiment. A systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions. When something is systematic it means you are following steps in the attempt to study something. Interested in not only behavior but structure through observation (just watching or asking people or run experiments) Science is a focused, organized and systematic version of how we know the world by experience. Empirical means - observing something around us (not just a thought) Difference is empiricism of science is systematic component. Deduction means we might develop a theory and from that, we might make a prediction in the real world. For most of human history about the nature of the world were answered by religious authorities. But math, astronomy emerge in ancient greece and egypt. Thales of miletus in the (624 b. c) often considered "father of science"