CHEM 112 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Pauli Exclusion Principle, Principal Quantum Number, Noble Gas

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The schrodinger equation for hydrogen atom was only one equation. Electron-electron repulsion in multi-electron atoms is important. Hydrogen like- orbitals (by approximation) are still very useful. We need to consider spin of the electron also. N (principle quantum number, distance from nucelus, 1,2,3) Pauli exclusion principle: no two electrons can exist in an atom with the same set of these four quantum numbers, each orbital can at most have two electrons in it and they must be opposite spin) Force is perpendicular to the magnetic field, think of right hand rule. Z is the atomic number, as z increases 1s is being pulled towards the nucleus and has a lower energy associated with it. Core electrons screen the nuclear charge from others. This changes the energy of the outer electrons, the ones on the outside has a lower charge because the inside ones are screening them.