GNDS 215 Lecture Notes - Sexual Diversity, Queer Theory, Sexual Identity
Document Summary
Make sure gnds 215 is in all subject lines. Classical and contemporary theories on sex, gender and sexuality. The continuum of sexual and gender identities. Discuss how sex gender and sexual diversity have been theorized. Understand and appreciate diverse gender and sexual identities, practices and experiences. Reflect on experiences, situations and strategies for social change. Final paper (8 page literature review): 35% Course topics: theorizing sex, gender and sexual diversity, power/knowledge, diverse bodies, diverse practices, debates in the field, strategies towards social change. Reflection paper#1 questions on moodle, 2 pages, locate you in the paper, due sept. Tools of the sociological trade: seeing the general in the particular. Human behaviour is not as individualistic as we think. Examining trends and patterns of human behaviour. Examine patterns and trends: seeing the strange in familiar. The things we don"t question are the things we are most familiar with but are. How individual are individual thoughts and choices.