IDIS 410 Lecture : ArtInSoc Week 1

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The family of man exhibition photographic exhibition curated by edward. Streichen first shown in 1955 at museum of modern art 273 photographers exhibition travelled to 38 countries 9 million viewed the exhibition, the book sold. Roland bathes mythologies first published in 1957 28 short essays on topics mostly primarily but not exclusively drawn from popular culture. A seminal test for cultural studies and for cultural criticism in general. A myth refers to social meaning which are unproven, illusory, and often unconscious. Barthes argues that myth is used to support current socua norms and power relations. Myth deprives the object of which it speaks of all history . Myth always attempts to appear natural, as part of nature, and in so doing attempts to place itself beyond the reach of historical change. Myth is, therefore, depoliticized speech (personalized speech)

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