PHIL 115 Lecture Notes - Oil City, Pennsylvania, Truthiness, John Dewey

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19 Apr 2013

Document Summary

The book is from his middle period. It"s supposed to be a general overview of his philosophy. Born in burlington, vermont to a hard-working devout christian family. Are you right with jesus today? was a common question of his moral introspection. He was a replacement child : where the first john dewey died at childbirth. He enrolled in university of vermont at burlington, where he studied physiology. He was very much interested in the structure of human bodies. Afterwards, he became a high school teacher. In oil city, pennsylvania, john dewey married alice chipman. She was a profound influence on his work. A common view in philosophy departments during the 1800s-1900s was that philosophy could incorporate scientific methodology. John dewey was a holder of pragmatism. He took one course in mathematical logic that was taught by peirce. He only took interest in it a few years after he was in the class.

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