ECN 204 Lecture : Chapter 9.docx
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26 Mar 2012
Document Summary
Chapter 9: unemployment and its natural rate u-rate = 100 x # of unemployed/ labor force. Employed: person that spends most of the previous working at a paid job. Unemployed: person that"s on temporary layoff, looking for a job or is waiting for start date of new job. Labor force: total # of workers including the employed and unemployed. Unemployment rate: % of the labor force that is unemployed. Labor force participation rate: % of the adult population that is in the labor force. Discourage workers hypothesis: should be counted as unemployed, tired of being rejected, understating unemployment. Labor force participation rate = 100 x labor force/ adult population. Difficult to distinguish between a person who is unemployed and a person who is not in the labor force. Discouraged searchers, people who would like to work but have given up looking for jobs after an unsuccessful search, don"t show up in unemployment statistics.
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