ECN 340 Lecture 11: Lecture 11
Document Summary
This is about breaking social rules: cheating, lying. The economics of cheating: continual problem at all educational institutions. Cost to cheater: bad conscience, but what if there is no conscience, equals no internal constraints, internal vs. External constraints: amoral students may cheat under the right circumstances (which?, only if the chances of getting caught are small, an immoral student may not cheat under certain circumstances (which?, if chances of getting caught are high. It"s a cost to others because it de-values other students" achievement: students should strongly oppose cheating by fellow students www. notesolution. com, most do not because, why not keep one"s options open . Cost to society: signal to employers get screwed up , more resources have to be spent to get correct information, rationale for rules against cheating is the same as for those against crime. Escalation occurs: harsh penalties for cheating encourage studying rather than finding ways to cheat.