GEO 151 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Distance Decay, Yorkdale Shopping Centre, Noise Barrier
Document Summary
(535) first 3 digits represent the cma of toronto. (0411. 26) last 4 digits followed by the decimal represents the ct. (. 26) digits following decimal represents how many times it"s been divided: roughly 100,000 people (with. Subdivison (csd: csd is the general term for cities (determined by provincial/territori al legislation, roughly. [referring to yorkdale shopping centre] the first market for stores to enter (as a trial) Yorkdale shopping centre: major highway intersections, access & subway, no noise barrier, good visibility from highway, large suburban site, large flat building. Eaton centre: major highway intersections, subway/go transit, vertical shopping centre, office towers & educational research, expensive, limited, downtown people pg. Not selling the things they want so they"re travelling further: gravity model: greater the mass, greater the attraction, nature of population of left vs right (more mobile different needs of transportation) pg. 5 concepts: distance decay, change in mobility, cultural equity, gravity model, _____