SWP 538 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: False Consciousness, Antipositivism, Participant Observation

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Time dimension: cross sectional research is like a snapshot, longitudinal research gathers data at multiple points in time. Examines a cross section of the phenomenon at one point of time (eg satisfaction) Could be exploratory (e. g. : exit interview), explanatory ( eg, experiments with control and experimental group) or descriptive (eg, census) Describes processes occurring over a period od time, with observations conducted over an extended period of time. Analysis of portrayal of women in the media over the past 15 years. Trend studies : study changes in a population over a period of time. Eg- the changing profile of students in social work. Panel research involves multiple studies of the same sample over different points of time. Difficult because the person may change overtime by moving or change their mind. Cohort studies: examines more specific subpopulations (categories of people) who share a similar experience in a specified time period as they change over time.

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