CMNS 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: David Beckham, Eminem, Making Money

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The influence of popular culture on children"s social identities . The main purpose of this article is to examines how popular culture (eg: pop music, sport, fashion) influences and interact in the lives of children and later on defines children"s social identities. The most important information in this article is using dialogue with the children that he visited, public figures (eminem, david beckham, avril lavigne, beyonc ) as examples of how popular culture can really influence how children view themselves. The main conclusions in this article are children are complex consumers and they are connected to popular culture in very different ways. People can see how celebrities and sport stars influence the way that children see themselves and therefore children can be impacted by popular culture and develop their own identities. Tweenager": as a significant social actor and consuming force, a media-constructed age category (age 7-11) that describes an expanding and increasingly powerful social group.

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