CMNS 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Synesthesia, New Media, Sensorium
Document Summary
The most important information in this article is the author uses the biography of mcluhan, citation from other people opinion, citation from mcluhan"s work and diagrams to support his argument. The main conclusions in this article are people should recognize technologies as media and all media as outerings or extension of ourselves. (p. 103) also, technologies are parts of us and define who we are. Global village: inspired from a sentence in lewis"s work, allude the international connectedness fostered by telephones and air transport, Television gura : a proselytizer for the electronic faith, whose attitude toward electronic media was akin to that of psychedelic shaman. Electronic global village: a place where total involvement in depth with one another is more likely to breed conflict and terror. Hot media: provides information in sharply defined packages that demand relatively little participation on the part of the observer for completion, e. g. , print, radio(fm), digital radio, film.