FARE 1300 Lecture Notes - Sub-Saharan Africa
Document Summary
Causes of undernutrition in the third world (fourth edition). The hunger problem y undernourishment: undernourishment = not enough food for development y starvation, starvation = beginning of the spiral downwards (extreme undernourishment) y famine, famine = many people starving at once. Number of undernourished people globally, 1969-2010 s n o i l l i. Number of undernourished people in developing regions, 1990-90 and 2005-07. Central & western asia y india accounts for more undernourished people on its own than all of africa combined s n o i l l i. Food banks y we can measure hunger in canada by looking at the census for how many people rely on food banks for their food y the rate has been going up since 2008. International commitments y millennium development goal = to halve the number of people who are undernourished y world food summit target = half it by 2015.