PSYC 2330 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Kenneth Spence, Reinforcement, Cue Reactivity

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Delay chambers allow the animal to ll the gap. When proprioceptive, as well as exteroceptive, conditioned reinforcers are eliminated, even a brief delay in the presentation of the reinforcer prevents learning. Proprioception is your ability of sensing your own movement of your own body. Black is associated with food and white is not. You can switch around the delay boxes and the black and the white components that way making a consistent right turn is not the predictor of food, the colour is. For no delay, it takes 100 trials for the animal to learn the task. 2 seconds, it will take 550 trials, 10 seconds they will never learn it. The time between the response and the reinforcer is extremely important. Small amount of time is devastating in the acquisition of behaviour. Behaviour that has been reinforced in the presence of one stimulus is controlled by the presence/absence of that stimulus.