ANP 1105 Lecture 6: ANP 1105 Homeostasis

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Labour enhancement of labour contraction by oxycocin: 2. Homeostatic imbalance can lead to what: 1. Aging: decreased ability to main homeostasis: under peripheral nervous system, 2 main types, what are they, 1. Autonomic/ visceral nervous system (involuntary: 2 types of autonomic systems, 1. To dilate blood vessels (fast or slow?: constrict: fast, dialate: slow, what organs only controlled by sns, adrenal medulla, kidney, sweat glands, arrector pili muscles (goose bumps, most blood vessels, what does sns control? (3 groups, 1. Release of renin from kidney (bp: 4. Metabolic effects : increase m rate , releases blood glucose bumps. Amino acid based (hydrophilic) peptide and proteins: 2. Steroids (hydrophobic) synthesized from cholesterol. (eg. gonadal and adrenocortical hormones) For hormones to work, what needs to happen: it must bind to specific receptors to alter target cell, cell only respond to hormones only if they have that receptor. How does second messenger camp work: 1. Hormone (1st messenger) binds to receptor: 2.