BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Erasmus Darwin, Melanin, Industrial Revolution

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Same enzymes found in multiple species of bugs. First attacked plants and then started attacking each other. Change of allele frequency in a population. More white alleles in past (more black alleles currently) Fitness - pass on allele to next generation. Over time, colour of tree bark changed - affected natural selection. Moths released and collected to test natural selection (black bark) Only black and occasional whites came back. Opposite result when white bark was used. Natural science vs physical science (says it"s a flawed study bc not every possibility was accounted for) Allele change - natural selection has occurred. As you move around, there are a lot of animals w/ similar characteristics and qualities (morphology) Ex. cats (adapted to where they"re living) Believed that as everything spread around the world, the essence was altered. Realized he can put bones together and make skeletons. That they were organisms that weren"t alive anymore.