BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Castoridae, Chordate, Outline Of Physical Science

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Key words: 3 strong facts required examples can be included history of diversity is very short. Date at which everything arrived (october 23, 4004bce) this date shows that the earth is not old; the. There is a plague that occurred within a 10 year period the black plague has such an impact that. Moving down the tree there are more primitive animals. Knowledge is still present around 400-700 early middle ages. Knowledge shifted to a new location in which it turned to the islamic world. Evolution and natural selection; creation of new species. Al-dinawari did the life cycles, biology, medicinal characteristics and added more plants. Avicenna proposed (similar to aristotle) a book of medicine; takes hippocrates book and adds indian communities isolate themselves from each other to prevent from catching the disease medicine. Alhazen created 7 steps to compare the plants and produce new knowledge.