BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Selective Breeding, Biogeography, Emma Darwin

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Bio 1130 lecture #4 (cid:494)peppered moth(cid:495) was such a famous study not looking at individuals but a gene pool of a population; modern. Null hypothesis that the effect is not there. Tagged the moths and placed them back in nature more dark moths back in dark tree. No industrial pollution where black moths disappeared from the environment another experiment where they theory of evolution used various grey coloured cars. The trees bark turned back to light and the gene frequency changed again; confirmation of natural selection where. Comte de buffon notices that there are different types of organisms (e. g: he observed cats and distinguishes its. Georges-louis leclerc travel around the world and writes a series of books on the diversity of the world each one is. Essentially, the environment in different places around the. Leclerc has the credit of (cid:498)biogeography(cid:499) how geography affects biology. Darwin(cid:495)s grandfather who translated linnaeus into english.