BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Late Heavy Bombardment, Hydrogen Sulfide, Electrochemical Gradient

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Taking protons, making a proton gradient and having the protons flow through an atp synthase to make atp. Ability to strip protons from methane gas from the water, hydrogen sulfide from the water, from dissolved carbon dioxide. One bacterium is going to see how to split protons from the water. Oxygen is going to dissolve in the water . Oxidize the minerals on the bottom surface with oceanic substrates, eventually the bottoms of the oceans will begin to rust. Atmosphere of oxygen will appear on the planet. Proterozoic: singled celled aerobic organisms will begin to form, singled celled eukaryotic organisms protists. Each floor will represent 60 million years: hadean will represent the first 12 floors, archean will represent the 12th-33rd, proterozoic will represent 33rd -63rd, phanerozoic will represent 63rd- 72nd. Mesozoic: flowering plants, dinosaurs, even more insects. Paleozoic: marine invertebrates, algae, cambrian explosion plants and insects form.