BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Erasmus Darwin, Scientific Revolution, Meiosis

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Coming to the end of the scientific revolution continued. Tried to explain why or where change comes from. However did not know about acquired traits only affect somatic cells. A set of cells is put aside as germ cells. They wait until they undergo meiosis and sperm and egg creation. Changing of species, or species change over time. The essence of an organism was changing. Wallace came up with idea of natural selection. Sent publication to london, where darwin had been working on it for many years. Charles lyell brings both people together, when first presented, both. Darwin and wallace did at the same time. However, darwin had far more examples and observations of the changes in species and organisms. Erasmus darwin very famous for his work. Robert darwin was a doctor and very influential and very wealthy. Charles darwin turned down position of both doctor and clergy. Cabin hand position was open on the hms beagle.