BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Tka, Meiosis, Microtubule

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Origins of the flagellum- (cell gliding) chaning the shape of a cell and moving it across the substrate. Centrosome is responsible for the first type of movement. 1st group- unikonts (protists) ancestor sto animals and fungi. Which use their flagellum to channel their water down grooves. 2nd group bikont - swim and rise up in the water column. Algae- now we have a photosynthetic single celled organisms which we group them all together to be algae. Algae go one step further 2nd endosymbiosis. We have a eukaryote cell that engulfs another eukaryote cell. It is not the case where they engulf bacteria. When we get the first primary endosymbiosis, it happended teice. Unlike the mitochondria where it only happend once. In 2nd ary symbiosis we get a non photosynthetic cell eukaryote cell engulfing a red algae this result ins in it being internalized.