BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: P53, Apoptosis, Carcinogen

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Chromosomes will not separate, anaphase is not initiated. P53 activates cell to go into g0 for quiescenc e, repair or apoptosis. #2 carcinogen agents cause extensive dna damage in cells, which normally stimulates p53 to trigger cell cycle arrest (quiescence or g0) so the cell can repair itself or initiate apoptosis. However, more than half of the people with cancer have been found to have a mutated p53 gene, which prevents this failsafe mechanism to tae place. Using the cell cycle and the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in normal cells, contrast those events to provide an explanation for the uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells. P53 does not place cell in g0. Cell does not repair damage and: p53 places cell in g0, damage repaired, cell return to g1. High dna damage: p53 recruits apaf1 and bax, bax increases ca2+ in mitochondria, via release from er using the. Ip3-gated channel: leading to release of cytochrome c, apaf1 combines with caspase.