BIO 1140 Lecture 6: Topic 6

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Signal transduction is brining the relayed message and relaying it within the cell (amplifying it) Cell communication and signal transduction are conserved mechanisms which are essential for: Set-up a response: act upon the message. Neural activity involves transmission of information via electrochemical events; in contrast, endocrine activity involves transmission of information via hormone transport to target tissues. The target tissues for steroids do not have receptors for them on the membrane surface, because steroids are soluble in the lipid bilayer: chemical messengers 6 classes. Their structure will determine; their chemical properties (hydrophobic vs hydrophilic) the communication path taken to reach target cell their mode of action / interaction with the cell and receptors: 6 classes: Lipophilic (but act locally: most are derived from arachidonic acid, paracrine pathway (act on neighbouring, 2 main pathways lead to 2 main classes, pain: prostaglandins. Peptides / proteins: hydrophilic, packaged in secretory vesicles, most indirect paths.