BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Seminiferous Tubule, Ovarian Follicle, Oocyte

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Union of these cells (fertilization or conjugation) to form zygote development of the zygote into another adult, completing the cycle. Gonads produce gametes male gonads called testes that produce sperm in tightly coiled seminiferous tubules female gonads called ovaries produce oocytes (eggs) some species are hermaphrodites - both female and male gonads. Gametogenesis the production of functional sex cells males: process called spermatogenesis or sperm production occurs in seminiferous tubules of the testes females: called oogenesis or egg production occurs in the ovaries. Oogenesis production of female gametes, occurs in the ovarian follicles at birth, most immature ova (primary oocytes) that a female produce during her lifetime are already in her ovaries. Female sex hormones ovaries synthesize and secrete the female sex hormones, including estrogens and progesterone section of both is regulated by luteinizing hormone (lh) and follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) which are regulated by gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh)