BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Endoplasmic Reticulum, Symbiogenesis, Nuclear Membrane

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Arrival of the third domain of the planet eukarya. Mitochondria fuel all of the processes. Centrosomes basal body: origin of the nuclear envelope the outer membrane system starts to fold inwards (envaginate) to solve issue with surface to volume ration, there"s lots of infolded membrane nucleoid inside. Connects to itself this way, double plasma membrane surrounding the. So now the nucleoid is surrounded by a double membrane. Nuclear envelope recognition that there are two plasma membranes. Bacterium every single part of the central dogma inside the there cytoplasm accommodate transcription, ribosomes, translation, the message, had to do all of those things. But once there"s a plasma around, that message is what goes out to the nuclear envelope and outside the cytoplasm, it produces proteins from the message and modifies location. Advantage of the cell don"t have to be doing everything in one. Cytoplasmic space and outer space of the endoplasmic reticulum and is continuous to the outside of the cell.