BIO 2129 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Spiny Softshell Turtle, Arctic Cordillera, Downtown Ottawa

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18 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Many ways of classifying biomes e. g. groups of species associated with environmental factors. At smaller scales, species are associated with specific habitat characteristics i. e. prairie biome, forest biome. Holdridge life zones: based off climate to divide world into biomes i. e. warm and wet = tropical rainforest, dry and seasonal = grass or prairie. Similar to holdridges but has other characteristics i. e. taiga, boreal, mixed-wood plain, prairies, boreal, pacific maritime, montane cordillera (mountain), southern artic, arctic cordillera (mountain) Biodiversity hotspot in canada but also a hotspot of every kind of human activity. Karner blue butterfly driven extinct in 1991 in canada. For construction, royal navy masts (boat masts) in 19th century (pine) Selective cut: no large forests remain in this ecozone. South march highlands, 20 minutes west of downtown ottawa, voted #1 on list of great places in canada, substantially converted into subdivisions. Mesic habitats (not too dry not too humid)