BIO 2135 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Micronucleus, Metabolic Waste, Cell Membrane

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Slide 2: most of these processes are dependent on difusion. 4: protozoans are able to use difusion to pass material mainly to their surface: volume ratio, the surface to volume ratio is a key biological principle because the processes of life are fueled within this volume. This is considered metabolic waste b/ci it the product of the breakdown of ammonia and nucleic acids. Ammonia is highly toxic inhibits the kerbs cycle- it builds up shuts down the mtch. If the animal has a good sa:v ratio and a lot of water around it(protist in fresh water environments) the ammonia able to just difuse out. Excretory metabolic waste: in moments of water conservation ammonia cannot be excreted. Urea packs more molecules of ammonia than a single ammonia molecule and it is less toxic. It is able to be built up on the body a bit without causes any problems. Found in animals when they do not have a restricted water access.