BIO 3124 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Yellow Fever, Deer, Herd Immunity
Document Summary
Epidemiology: branch of medicine that describes the occurrence, distribution and types of diseases in populations for distinct time periods. Epidemiology is the study of who, what, when, where and how as they relate to outbreaks of infectious diseases. Disease caused by an infectious agent: ex. State in which the infection caused tissue damage, but with no clinical signs or symptoms. Direct or indirect transmission from an infected person - natural means: ex. Transmission by non-natural means from an infected person: ex. Type of incidence applied to a population that is observed over a defined time period. Measure of the risk of developing the disease. During the first week of april 2002, the unit of public health was called to investigate more than. 20 reports of people suffering from gastroenteritis after eating at the parramatta restaurant. An investigation was conducted and all customers who ate at the restaurant during the week were interviewed.