BIO 3303 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Comparative Physiology, Ecophysiology, Andreas Vesalius

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For this course, it will be defined as the study of the function of organisms as integrated systems of molecules, cells, tissues, and organs in normal and diseased states. It"s important to keep in mind the integration of the individual parts of an organism that makes it function. It incorporates concepts from chemistry (molecules and so on), physics, math, molecular biology (membranes, molecules), ecology, etc. Comparative physiology instead of isolating organisms and study it in detail, we consider how physiology is different/the same in different organisms. History of physiology a little bit of background is important to realize how long we"ve gone. Vesalius made the first modern anatomy textbook. 18th century bodily functions are a combination of physical and chemical processes. Cell and molecular level, systems level, organismal level (the whole critter), ecological level, integrative physiology. Environmental physiology what are the changes that take place. Focused research on how certain issues operate how to solve the problem.