HIS 1101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Kwame Nkrumah, British West Africa, Bandung Conference
Document Summary
Of the original seven (7) european colonial powers in africa: Germany lost its colonies after world war i. Italy lost ins colonies during world war ii. The u. k, belgium, and france mostly left between 1957 and 1965. Spain retains the cities of ceuta and melilla. Algeria was considered to be a french territory while. Tunisia was a protectorate (since 1881) just like french morocco (since 1912) The numbers for the population of nigeria were obtained in 1952-3 and in 1963. The data for ghana (formerly the gold coast) date from 1948 and 1960. In 1950, the population of the portuguese metropole was 8. 5 million. In 1970, it was 8. 65 million, but its colonial population was by then almost twice as numerous. Decolonization (between 1957 and 1975) was mostly peaceful: Portuguese repression in their colonies of angola, mozambique and portuguese guinea. However, 12 wars involve independent nations and 13 heads of state are murdered.