BIO205H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Metapopulation

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30 Nov 2016

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Highlight the underlined patterns or trends that might exist in nature. Implies that we have to think about the assumptions. First one: forest patches, lakes could also be habitat for aquatic organisms. Second one: different filed areas, yellow patches that organisms might use. Usually the areas that are useful for organisms to live are generally distributed areas. We can use a basic model to describe the metapopulation dynamics: metapopulation model. There are some patches that are of different quality than others. Have to assume that every individual is equally likely to be presented in this model. Basic metapopulation model: patches of suitable habitat are surrounded by matrix of unsuitable habitat. Source-sink model patches of suitable habitat differ in quality. Landscape model matrix of unsuitable habitat also differs in quality. Slide 14: looked at all of former habitats of rhinos to see whether there was any individual"s left.