BIO315H5 Lecture 21: BIO315 - Lecture 21

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5 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Very crucial part of the life of an organism through its development and adulthood. Sequence of changes a cell undergoes as it dies. Cell surface blebbing - release/formation of apoptotic bodies. Clearance by neighbouring cells or macrophages (phagocytosis) Not programmed cell death, accidental cell death. Comes from insult or injury to cell. Cell swells and bursts = illicits an inflammatory response. Programmed form of necrosis triggered by regulatory signals from other cells. Regulated, signals coming in? (apoptosis or necroptosis?) In necrosis the cell bursts, structures in the cell are lost. In apoptosis the cell is intact but there are characteristic changes: engulfed by macrophagic cell. Allows organism to get rid of cells in very orderly fashion. During development you need to get rid of unwanted cells in order to sculpt a tissue. E. g. apoptosis of auto-reactive t and b cells to avoid autoimmunity. Clear away dna damaged cells that may become cancerous/don"t want to propagate damaged cells.