BIO325H5 Lecture : Jan. 13 lecture Notes
Document Summary
3 skeleton forms: hydrostatic: fluid based skeletons, endoskeleton: bones with muscles on the outside, exoskeleton: chain of hollow tubes with muscles on the inside. Coelom: fluid filled cavity, space in the mesoderm. Functionally in earthworms it acts as a hydrostatic skeleton and translocates forces (for example between longitudinal and circular muscles) Insect legs are like chain of hollow tubes. Half moon membrane connects half membrane leg segments. Endoskeleton and a frog jump: the hind limbs are adapted to jump by extending the legs fully from a recoiled position. Structure: the bones are folded in the hind leg. Gastronomists: the main muscle in the leg for a frog to jump. 3 worm phyla: segmented worms: includes christmas tree worms: look nothing like earthworms. Giant neuron and pullback reaction just like earthworms: flatworms: 2 ways of movement, cilia, swimming: by making body waves, nematodes (round worms) Earthworms has a giant neuron used as an emergency reaction system.