BIO380H5 Lecture Notes - Germ Layer, Chromaffin Cell, Proteoglycan
Document Summary
The neural crest considered to be the forth germ layer form crucial cell and tissue types epithelial-mesenchymal transformation. Digest extracellular basal lamina, involves matrix metalloproteinases (mmp) Delamination, separation of neural crest cells from neural plate and tube transcription factors: Over-expression, only delamination of head neural crest bone morphogenic protein 2/4. Losing contact and finding their way home lose cell-cell adhesivity, as they digest through basement membrane form new cell-cell associations. Sem of neural crest false colored sem image of neural crest migration. Major derivatives of the neural crest four major groups: cranial, trunk, vaga and sacral, cardiac. Not all cell adhesion molecules are cams calcium dependent, homophilic cadherins also lost during migration. N-cam: glycoprotein, 30% sialic acid sugar residues, extracellular domain composed of immunoglobin-like domains with disulfide groups intracelluar domain, amino acids mediate intracellular signaling. Mutations of directional molecules may cause developmental defects components of the extracellular matrix fibronectin/laminin. Permissive factors, lining extracellular roadways: neureulins - ngf family.