PSY100Y5 Lecture Notes - Penis Envy, Anal Retentiveness, Oedipus Complex

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PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Personality research personality refers to enduring patterns of thought, feeling, motivation, and behaviour that are expressed in different circumstances the aim of personality research is to: construct general theories of personality assess individual indifferences in personality. We all have the same 5 traits its how much of each that makes us who we are. Freud invoked a role of unconscious process in the control of behaviour. Id, ego, and superego the iceberg analogy until we are 2 years old, we don"t have these aspects we are part of our caregivers birth to 2: Id pleasure rules the pleasure seeking side of us ex. babies want what they want when they want it self-centred by age 2, we begin to develop our identity. Ego - reality deals with reality (reality principle) Mostly conscious, sometimes unconscious ego tries to fulfill the id"s wishes and desires. Id threatens to overwhelm the ego with anxiety bringing up bad memories or shameful desires etc.