PSY100Y5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: David H. Hubel, Psychology Today, Leda Cosmides
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Suma = reena virk"s mother, manjit = father. Reena = 14 years old, lived in victoria, briish columbia. Reena wanted to be friends with kelly ellard and was called to their group on november. Group seven girls aged 14-16 and one male aged 16. Tried to run away but dragged to waterway. Her body found 1 week later by police. Warren glowatski and kelly ellard convicted of 2nd degree murder. Ellard sentenced on july 7th, 2005 to life imprisonment. September 2008, briish columbia court of appeal granted her appeal to 4th trial. Glowatski, now 26, convicted in 1999, but now trying to get back to school and set life. Reena"s father wrote moving book about his daughter"s life. Film of bullying: it"s a girl"s world broadcasted in canada. Bullying girls in canada is on the rise. Researchers in psychology atempt to document and understand such acts in hope of reducing their occurrence.