SOC100H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Social Mobility, Bourgeoisie, Proletariat
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The way society is organized in layers or strata. Examine: shape of inequality, mobility, variability over time, micro-interactions. Advantages of wealth: enhance well-being, political influence, improved health, longer, healthier life. Patterns of social inequality: figure 6. 2 in textbook. Strain from devoting a higher proportion of income (+63%) to necessities. Myth: people are poor because they don"t want to work. Fact: employed not welfare; disability; childcare; minimum wage. Fact: only recent immigrants; small proportion; long-term lower poverty rate. Myth: most poor people are trapped in poverty. Fact: fluid; most escape in less than a year; effort to move out of poverty. Fact: western european countries; wage standards, child care, benefits; commodification. The government should not provide jobs or basic income. Movement up or down the stratification system. Intragenerational mobility: social mobility that occurs within single generation. Intergenerational mobility: social mobility that occurs between generations.