SOC211H5 Lecture : SOC211 LEC 3
Document Summary
Hedonistic: seek pleasure, avoid pain, not just physical or sexual pleasure you can get pleasure from reading a book. Individuals choose their action based on this principle. Rational: cost/benefit calculation based on the knowledge they have analysis, morality & rationality must be separated. Society is also a victim of offenders crimes. Each individual should give up a part of their pleasure/interest for that of everyone: security is a form of pleasure we can walk down halls without having to worry of being attacked. We all understand this & agree with it (social contract) Criminals put their own pleasure before society, that s why they get punished for it. As a deterrent = prevents the criminal action. Changes the balance of pleasure and pain in favour of pain. Make sure the punishment outweighs the benefit for people to behave. Example: stealing a laptop caught by security on hidden camera (that information was not available to them)