SOC231H5 Lecture : durkheim

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Society is a entitity as more than just parts put together it has a unique reality. understanding basis of social order. They are not living such different lives its easier for them to agree. with population growth comes differentiation or division of labour (specialized task emerging) speed of life increases, comes organic solidarity ppl begin to do different things. You might expect conflicts emerging or differences of opinions that might lead to breaking up to society but he argues in fact opposite happens primarily as a result of division you get organic solidarity. Durkehims understanding of individual and society - conceptual abstraction airport not concrete airport but abstracting a concept they are all different. Deviance is normal paradox no society without any deviance without deviance you don"t have normalcy with no normalacy you have no deviance . they are conditions for each other. Dialectals appear to be opposites but they are the conditions for each other.

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