SOC231H5 Lecture : durkheim
Document Summary
Marx, weber, durkheim ; secular perspective yet took religion seriously. Images on lenin in moscow argue durkheim drew parallels between religions as we get it traditionally and certain aspects were becoming more dominant. Auguste comte coined phrase of socio will became new relgion. The old gods are growing old or are already dead and the others are not yet born. The new ones are not yet born durkheim means as old forms leave, new forms replace it for binding communities. Difference between religion and civic religion (religion vs religion) All theorists saw religion as something important in regards to its social context. Civic relgion civic rituals etc ceremonies any form of activity which is distinctively set apart from everyday. Altho durkhiem is right that effects of these activities create conflict and cohesion but they also bind ppl from one group to another but at the same time sets them apart.