SOC310H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Neoconservatism, Tough Love, Social Exclusion

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20 Aug 2017

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Intersectionality: race, class, gender: risk (low income, single parent homes, child welfare involvement, employment, public space/ policing. It is problematic because not a lot of 12 year olds work. If they are found to be sexually exploited they are more likely to be incarcerated, because they are thought to be safer in the jail than out on the streets. Pathways to the street: individual histories and micro-level characteristics: a young person"s choices are always made in a particular social context with unappealing options. 2008; herz et al. , 2010): research further suggests that youth in child welfare care are also subject to harsher sentencing practices in the youth justice system than youth not in care. Although there is limited research on possible explanations for this disparate treatment, it may be that crossover youth are perceived as having a higher criminogenic risk than youth not involved in the child welfare system.

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