ANTA01H3 Lecture : Homosapiens

101 views7 pages
12 Dec 2010

Document Summary

November 16th, 2010 introduction to anthropology: homo sapiens. Assignment # 2: due the last week of class, handed into the t. a, 1500 words max, use 3-5 primary sources, pick a single fossil specimen (instead of a general topic like: homo sapiens etc. ) idea: become familiar with a specific specimen, pay attention to the debates made on the specimen, the textbook does not count as a primary document, use at least 1 journal article. Final exam: not cumulative, chapter 10-13 and pay attention to chapter 9 homo erectus forward. N anatomically modern homo sapiens : bit of a relic term when we used to call neanderthals. Homo sapiens , biologically we have been the species we are today for 200,000 years. N omo i , east africa 195kya = chin and forehead. N herto ,east africa 165kya = sometimes referred to as idaltu ( ancestor)

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