ANTB20H3 Lecture : ANTB20 Lecture 1.pdf

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21 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Globalization: compression of the world and consciousness about this process. People believe that it"s a radically new process that"s resulting in unprecedented changes. The fact that we can use google maps to look at any street in the world would not be imaginable 20 years ago. The un is a current organization with a long history. It"s predecessor is the league of nations, but came to power after wwii . It was ideologically about this ideal that we could exist as a globe outside of nation- states. Time and space are being compressed- we are part of something bigger. So- called isolated areas have access to cell phones (even if they don"t have access to water or heat) Barriers like time and distance are dissolved (i. e. through internet) Political borders become increasingly irrelevant (flow of people and capital beyond national borders) Intensification of connections and our consciousness of this. Rise of the free market- economy (neo- liberalism)

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