ANTC17H3 Lecture Notes - Catastrophism, Mutation, Gradualism

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6 Jul 2012

Document Summary

Survival of the fittest (competition for survival because of lack of resources) Allele frequency = population; mutation = individual levels. A group of organisms which can reproduce viable offspring which themselves are fertile. May be quite similar in appearance or variable (ie. deer vs. dogs) Geography may be confined to a specific area or may be expansive. Shared behavioural traits relating to social groups, food preferences, reproductive strategies (may be same species but do not mate) , differentiation. Large complex brain in relation to body size. Brain to body size ratio and large body size. Homologies: trait shared by two or more species through inheritance from a common ancestor. Analogies: trait shared by two or more species that is similar in function but unrelated evolutionarily; convergence. Example: wing of bat and wing of butterfly are analogous. First time study on origin of homo sapiens through genetics. Africa as origin of homo sapiens, around 200,000ya.

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