1. Before bringing a new drug to the marketplace, extensivetesting is done on the drug by administering the drug to largenumbers of individuals. Explain the importance of the scientificmethod, sample size, controls and variable in the drug evaluationprocess.
2. List the four "large molecules of life." Identify theircomposition and structure, and describe one function that each ofthem performs in the cell.
3. How can you explain the occurrence of birth defects (causedby altered genes) in children and grandchildren of WWII atomic bombvictims, when the victims themselves were only mildly affected?
4. During the past 50 years, more than 200 species of insectsthat attack crop plants have become highly resistant to DDT andother pesticides. Based on what you have learned in this classregarding evolution, explain the rapid and widespread evolution ofresistance. Now that DDT has been banned in the US, what do youexpect to happen to levels of resistance to DDT among insectpopulations?
5. Water is crucial for life as we know it. One of the mostimportant characteristics of water is its ability to act as asolvent. Explain why water is such a good solvent for polar andcharged molecules.
6. Describe feeding relationships and energy flow in anecosystem, starting from producers. Use concepts such as trophiclevels, food chains, food webs, ecological pyramids.
7. Man has contributed significantly to the many environmentalproblems of the world including loss of biodiversity. Describe howthis particular problem can be solved.
8. Describe in your own words how antibiotic resistance comesabout.
9. Compare and contrast photosynthesis and respiration in termsof the organisms involved; the reactants; the type of energyprocess; and the organelles involved
10. Cystic fibrosis is a recessive genetic disorder. Thedisorder allele, which we will call a, is located on an autosome.What are the chances that parents with each of the followinggenotypes will have a child with this disorder? Show all yourworking for each.
aa x Aa
Aa x Aa
AA x aa
Aa x AA
11. Your friend explains to youthat her father has hemophilia, a genetic disorder that affects theprocess of blood clotting, so that his blood does not clot; but hermother does not, have it, she is healthy as far as this disorder isconcerned.
Knowing that the inheritance pattern for this disorder issex-linked, explain to your friend why it is more common for malesto inherit a sex-linked trait.
Using punnet square, indicate the probability that a brother ofyour friend would have hemophilia, assuming that her mother carriestwo functional copies of the gene involved in this sex-linkedrecessive disorder. Explain your answers fully.