BIOD27H3 Lecture 14: BGYB30H3 Lecture 14 and 15 Notes Autonomic and Somatic Control Continued and Muscles 1-Oct 29
BGYB30H3 Lecture íð}v[l15 Notes
-autonomic nervous system involuntarily controls cardiac, smooth muscle, adipose tissue,
and endocrine system
-ANS helps to ensure homeostasis of the body by being controlled by the hypothalamus
-sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are antagonistic to each other
-sympathetic nervous system involves fight or flight responses that involve energetic action
-parasympathetic nervous system involves routine body functions such as rest and digestion
-most internal organs are under antagonistic control where one autonomic branch is excitatory
and the other is inhibitory
-sweat glands and smooth muscle are under sympathetic nervous system
-in ANS, one neuron diverges unto many post-synaptic neurons
-ganglia are interneurons that modulate neurons coming from the CNS to target organs
-interneurons integrate sensory info from the periphery of the body to allow output to be sent
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-hypothalamus, pons (respiration, cardiac and urinary functions), medulla (respiration) control
autonomic nervous system
-spinal reflexes include penile erection, defication, and urination
-ANS works with the endocrine, limbic and behavioural state system
-behavioural state system involves hypothalamus, medulla and pons
-sensory info from somatosensory and the viscera go to the behavioural state system to
regulate blood pressure, temperature and water balance
-hypothalamus contains receptors that act as sensors, which send a motor output to the brain
stem where endocrine and behavioural responses are generated
-cerebral cortex and limbic system create emotions that modulate autonomic response
-sympathetic nerves leave from the thoracic and lumber regions
-parasympathetic nerves leave from the cranial and sacral regions
-sympathetic nervous system causes
x pupil dilation
x salivation and sweat secretion
x increased heart rate and blood volume
x increased air flow
x increased fat breakdown and glucose release
-sympathetic nervous inhibits
x digestion
x pancreatic secretion
x urination
-parasympathetic nervous system causes
x urination
x increased insulin
x erection
x digestion