CHMB55H3 Lecture : lecture 1.

181 views3 pages
14 Jan 2011

Document Summary

Study of the process associated with disturbances of the natural system through human ability. Green chemistry: modify process/ product in such way that they are more environments friendly. Geochemistry: try to understand natural process in natural environment. Air pollution (photochemical smog: global warming (green house gas, organic chemicals, water pollution, heavy metal (hg) Figures: from south pole, color=how much ozone, green=lot, purple= little, how much ozone is there over year during springtime in antarctic, size of the area without ozone, max extension, how ozone distribution will be developed. Stratospheric ozone depletion: transient disappearance of ozone in the antarctic during spring time. Dobson unit: unit of measured ozone columnar density. www. notesolution. com. 1. 1 mm thick of ozone at 1 atm and 0 degree. , 200 du ozone =2mm thick. Why and how it occur each year: area effected grew. 1990 first observation in arctic: gradual decline in ozone concentration in non-polar area.